From: Allison Randal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2008 11:56:45 +0200

   Bob Rogers wrote:

   > My sense of the usage on this list is that "multisub" means a MultiSub
   > PMC and a "multimethod" is what you add to the MultiSub when you define
   > a sub with the :multi keyword.  Am I the only one who finds this a
   > useful distinction?

   Oh, I see. No wonder this conversation has been confusing.

The mistake, I think, is when we assume that we speak the same language.

   To everyone else:  From the lack of other response, should I assume
that my memory of this usage of "multimethod" for "sub with :multi" is

   . . .

   A particular sub object that's stored in a MultiSub is a "variant" of 
   the multi (whether it's a multisub, multimethod, or multivtable).


Urp.  I have been calling these "methods" for 15 or 20 years now (since
whenever the Lisp world went to MMD), so please bear with me while I
change gears.

   FWIW, the documentation has about 100 hits to the word "variant", but
only two (AFAICS) refer to MMD, both of them in a single paragraph in
docs/book/ch07_architecture.pod.  The other hits are talking about
opcodes and vtable operations.  (Plus a hit I don't understand in
docs/pdds/pdd15_object_metamodel.svg, which doesn't seem to address MMD
at all.)

                                        -- Bob

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