Thank you, very much!

2008/11/26 Moritz Lenz via RT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Sat Nov 08 09:32:09 2008, pmichaud wrote:
>> On Sat, Nov 08, 2008 at 12:54:52AM -0800, Ilya Belikin wrote:
>> > Hi there,
>> >
>> > sub foo (@a) { 1.say for @a }
>> > foo((1,2,3,4));       # only one 1
>> > foo([1,2,3,4]);       # only one 1
>> > foo( my @a = 1,2,3 ); # only one 1
>> >
>> > This one really pesky bug :(
>> I suspect this appeared as a result of the recent updates to
>> container semantics.  Oddly, we don't seem to have any tests
>> for this in the spectest suite (or if there are tests, we aren't
>> running them for some reason).
> There are now tests for that in t/spec/S06-signature/passing-arrays.t
> (also added to spectest), I hope that I got them right (IMHO the counts
> should be 4, 1, 3; if you disagree, feel free to correct the test)
> moritz

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