
Ovid wrote:
> OK, I'm tired of submitting bug reports.

Still bug reports are valuable. When you find your motivation again,
please continue to submit them.

> Instead, I'll include my new 'Test.pm' as an attachment rather than a patch.  
> You can try it locally and see if I've just screwed up royally.

Very nice. It dies on a few tests here (they all seem to be related to
Junctions or Weird Types[tm]), but I guess we can fix that somehow.

> Aside from exporting a 'die_on_fail' sub (which is a godsend for debugging), 
> it also started adding very primitive have/want diagnostics:
>   not ok 28 - 3rd element is trimmed again with no effect # TODO trim on lists
>   # have: undef
>   # want: "baz"
>   not ok 29 - 0 is not true # TODO expected failures
>   # Expected a true value.
>   # have: 0
>   not ok 30 - expected failure # TODO expected failures
>   # Expected a false value.
>   # have: ["a", "b", "c"]
>   not ok 31 -
>   # have: ["a", "b", "c"]
>   # want: ["a", "b", "z"]

And so on ;-)

> It's not a patch because I got tired of adding exceptions for bugs, but then 
> I realized that the bugs might be in my brain :)  Specifically, I started 
> adding stuff like this because of lack of a .perl method:
>       my $have = $passed.WHAT eq any(<Match Exception Iterator>)
>         ?? $passed
>         !! $passed.perl;

Maybe ``try({$passed.perl}) // ~$passed'' works better, I hope to find
tuits today to see if it makes a difference.


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