As a Rakudo contributor I feel I should comment on this, although most
of my comments aren't all that exciting.

Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> Source code repository
> ----------------------
> Many people have strongly suggested that we switch to
> using "git" as our version control system.  At the moment I'm
> neither strongly in favor of nor strongly opposed to switching
> version control systems, 

Same here. As long as somebody tells me how to do the things with git
that I used to do with svn, I'm fine with git. Svn also worked for me so

Another thing to keep in mind is that once we start to have a Perl 6
prelude, we might decide to be nice neighbors and share it with other
implementations, as far as that's practical. And we might also want to
import from the pugs repo in the future. That might or might not
have some influence our decision, I just want to mention it.

> Web site / blog / wiki
> ----------------------
> Currently Rakudo really does not have a dedicated website
> providing basic information about it.  There is the 
> site, but it's currently more of a
> blog than a true web site.  For example, someone visiting
> would not be able to easily find out how to 
> download and run Rakudo Perl.
> Here's what we ''do'' have at the moment (as best as I can recall):
> * is run by Andy Lester and currently provides a
>   "blog" for Rakudo Perl.  Andy has mused about switching
> to Drupal instead of Movable Type, which could
>   enable us to more easily have "introductory content" 
>   information instead of just blog-type entries.

I'd be willing to spend some time on that.

> * The Perl Foundation hosts a "Perl 6 wiki" at
> ,
>   and Rakudo has a few pages there.  Currently I find the
>   wiki to be not very well organized, and it's difficult to
>   find Rakudo out of the many other items that appear there.
>   Beyond that, I'm not impressed with the wiki engine the
>   site uses, but if a sizable group of people think that's
>   where Rakudo information should be centered then I can
>   live with it.

I don't like that wiki engine either.

> * TPF also hosts the "Perl 6" website at 
> , but "Rakudo Perl" isn't even 
>   mentioned there, and I don't even really know the correct 
>   procedure for getting updates or modifications to those pages.  
>   My impression is that this site isn't really conducive to 
>   frequent updates or lots of contributors (but perhaps I'm 
>   incorrect about that).

You're correct. I sent some patches in the future, and once we've
settled on an official website (including introductory information) I'll
send another patch that adds some links to the Rakudo site(s).

> * Planet Perl 6 ( is an
>   excellent aggregator of Perl 6 related posts, including those
>   involving Rakudo Perl.  

Let me add

  * (domain owned by me, and content hosted by me)
    has a chart of of Rakudo's progress in the test suite.
    I don't care if we keep it like this, or make it a bit more
    "official" or whatever, but I think in some form this should
    be kept. (Simplest way: leave as is. Second simplest:
    <img src=""; .../>)

> Also, for the record, I currently own the ""
> and "" domains, so if we want to do something
> somehow separate from any of the existing domains cited above, 
> we can use those domains, and I may have (or be able to acquire)
> additional server resources to support it.

We can also use to host sites we want.

> Issue tracking
> --------------
> Currently issue tracking for Rakudo is being done using RT
> at  (the same RT instance that does Perl 5 
> bug tracking).  In the past I've stated that Rakudo bugs will
> continue to use this tracker, and I'm still planning for that
> to be the case, but in recent weeks I've encountered a
> number of times were was too slow/unreachable
> to be an effective tool.  I'm not (yet?) advocating that we
> switch to a different issue tracker, but since we're looking
> at the whole of infrastructure items I did want to leave the
> possibility open for discussion.

Even though it's slow I currently like it better than parrot's trac
instance (emails with too large headers, no email interface, need to
learn some markup to submit readable tickets, ...)

> Mailing list
> ------------
> Currently Rakudo's primary mailing list is <>.
> I see no major reason to change anything here, as it works
> well and is a good companion to the other "official"
> Perl 6 mailing lists.

Same here.

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