Ovid (>), Patrick (>>):
>> Many people have strongly suggested that we switch to
>> using "git" as our version control system.  At the moment I'm
>> neither strongly in favor of nor strongly opposed to switching
>> version control systems, but we have to recognize that at least
>> two of Rakudo's "dependencies" (Parrot and the spectest suite)
>> are using Subversion and are likely to remain that way for
>> a while.  We don't want to require non-developers to install a
>> lot of different source code control systems simply to run and
>> test the latest incarnation of Rakudo Perl.
> I'm not going to jump up and down about this issue.  At the very least, 
> Subversion isn't CVS.  However, it *is* Subversion which means we have a 
> painful source control system which attempts to wrap a soft cloth around the 
> hammer to the head that is CVS.  For it's time, Subversion was great.  
> Subversion is no longer great.  I find that it's not too hard to use simply 
> because I use it, not because I like it.
> With my admittedly limited exposure to git, it is superior in terms of both 
> usability and design to Subversion.  I admit, though, that many people are 
> not willing to learn a new source control system (and does it still have 
> Windows issues?).  If that's the primary objection to git, I could accept 
> that argument.  If the primary objection is merely to accept the fact that we 
> have a bunch of architecture based on bad technology, then we're making the 
> decision for the wrong reason.
> (I just need to install svk and have at least *some* of my subversion pain go 
> away)

This sounds like a good summary of my thoughts on the issue. I'm not
going to fight for Rakudo switching over to git, because I don't have
a big enough grudge with svn, and I'm not a very frequent committer to
Rakudo. But git _is_ nicer in many ways, especially when dealing with
merging and branches.

As far as I understand, people on Windows can run git in various ways
nowadays. The question is more, as Patrick wrote, whether we create a
VCS nightmare for developers, by requiring them to acquire and learn
git on top of svn.

// Carl

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