On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 08:53:33AM +0100, Moritz Lenz wrote:
> Another thing to keep in mind is that once we start to have a Perl 6
> prelude, we might decide to be nice neighbors and share it with other
> implementations, as far as that's practical. 

My guess is that there will be a shared prelude that is maintained
in a central repository like the spectests, but that individual
implementations are likely to want or need customized versions of
the prelude for performance or implementation reasons.  In this
sense the shared prelude acts as a "reference standard" that
implementations can use directly or optimize as appropriate.

> And we might also want to
> import STD.pm from the pugs repo in the future. That might or might not
> have some influence our decision, I just want to mention it.

Similar to Rakudo's need to follow Parrot's HEAD closely but
not directly, I suspect this is a place where individual implementations
will want to track STD.pm versions closely but rarely use the
latest version directly.  Otherwise changes to STD.pm in the shared
repository have the potential to inadvertently break an implementation.

> > Web site / blog / wiki
> > ----------------------
> > Currently Rakudo really does not have a dedicated website
> > providing basic information about it.  [...] 
> > Here's what we ''do'' have at the moment (as best as I can recall):
> Let me add
>   * http://rakudo.de/ (domain owned by me, and content hosted by me)
>     has a chart of of Rakudo's progress in the test suite.
>     I don't care if we keep it like this, or make it a bit more
>     "official" or whatever, but I think in some form this should
>     be kept. (Simplest way: leave as is. Second simplest:
>     <img src="http://rakudo.de/progress.png"; .../>)

Yes, thank you for this important addition.  I did remember it at
one point yesterday, but forgot it at the time I was crafting my

My intent is that the daily spectest updates will automatically
update graphs and statistics on the main Rakudo site (just like
rakudo.de does) -- until now we simply haven't had a main Rakudo
site that could handle that (other than rakudo.de).

> We can also use feather.perl6.nl to host sites we want.

This may indeed be what we do--it does have the advantage of
having multiple admins readily available.  Do we need any permission 
from Juerd or someone to use feather for this purpose?

> > Issue tracking
> > --------------
> Even though it's slow I currently like it better than parrot's trac
> instance (emails with too large headers, no email interface, need to
> learn some markup to submit readable tickets, ...)

Good point, thanks.


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