On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 09:58:12AM -0600, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
: On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 10:02:21PM -0800, Carl Mäsak via RT wrote:
: > On Wed Jan 14 22:00:33 2009, masak wrote:
: > > <TimToady> rakudo: my $t = 5; say $t.i
: > > <p6eval> rakudo 35576: OUTPUT«Method 'i' not found for invocant of
: > > class 'Int [...]
: > > <masak> TimToady: should that work?
: > > <TimToady> think so
: > > * masak submits rakudobug
: > 
: > Also this:
: > 
: > <TimToady> hmm
: > <TimToady> rakudo: my $t = 5; say $t\i
: > <p6eval> rakudo 35576: OUTPUT«Statement not terminated properly at line
: > 1, near "\\i" [...]
: This latter note is a duplicate of RT #60148, and the comment there
: still holds that STD.pm doesn't parse it either:
:   15:52 <pmichaud> std:  my $t = 5; $t\i
:   15:52 <p6eval> std 24912: OUTPUT«############# PARSE FAILED 

Now parses as specced.


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