Since I can write Perl 6 better than most other languages, and I want to
contribute to Rakudo, and I want some features *now*, and I'm an
impatient bastard... I started an unofficial Perl 6 Prelude project for

The intent is to write and collect specced, built-in subs and methods in
Perl 6 that work *now*, at least to some extend.

Since there's no Prelude feature in Rakudo yet, it means that you have to
use List;
use Match;
first to use them.

My hope is that this will be useful for some users today, and maybe
other projects copy or import part of it. And when Rakudo finally gets a
prelude, we might use some of the things I've assembled so far.

If you want commit access, just tell me your google ID.

(I didn't put it into the parrot repo because I didn't want to have any
dead (not yet used and tested) code in there, didn't want to hassle with
codingstd tests and so on).


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