On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 07:38:07PM -0400, Brian S. Julin wrote:
> Iterator will support .get.  It's unclear whether IO will as well,
> or whether it will stay exclusively with .getc/.readline.  

It's fairly certain that IO will use .get -- indeed, it
was IO that caused us to change from prefix:<=> to .get in
the first place.

> Even if both support .get, Iterators and IO objects will have different  
> implementations.  This is the implementation for Iterator, which is  
> currently mostly a boxed Parrot primitive type.

Iterator probably ought to become a role instead of a class.  
In that sense we will likely stop using the Parrot primitive 
type for our Iterators (or they'll be suitably wrapped in 
something that does the Iterator role).


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