On Mon May 11 07:26:22 2009, masak wrote:
> <Tene> jnthn: I ran into an awkward bug last night...
> <jnthn> Tene: Bug being? (will be able to focus on Rakudo stuff in ~
> 10-15 minutes)
> <Tene> jnthn: I used a sub trait handler to stuff a block into an
> array.  When I then tried to return something from the block, it
> crashes parrot because of the signature typechecking on the end of the
> block.
> <jnthn> Tene: Catch me later with a code example of the problem you
> ran into.
> <Tene> jnthn: paste coming up...
> <Tene> jnthn: also, this is a very very low priority.  I can work
> around it by using implicit return.
> <jnthn> Tene: Sure, but I'm interested to see what it is.
> <Tene> jnthn: http://gist.github.com/109986
> <Tene> jnthn: be warned that ever since we added .annotate lines to
> --target=pir, the PIR line number reported will be a lie.
> <jnthn> Tene: thanks
> * masak submits rakuodbug

The bug pre-dates us having a proper implementation of traits, and was
nicely cheating with the original mechanism. Now we can do this the spec
way, and we have passing tests for custom traits being defined and
applied to routines in S14-traits/routines.t, so resolving this ticket.



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