On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 8:26 AM, Will Coleda via RT
<parrotbug-follo...@parrotcode.org> wrote:

> Sorry for the delay - this patch had stalled waiting for review due to a 
> ticketing system
> changeover, and in the meantime, no longer applies cleanly against parrot 
> Can you rebase this patch and resubmit it to https://trac.parrot.org/ ? 
> Hopefully we can
> provide better turnaround next time.

done, I still think this can be made better (and I had a better patch
in the making, but then reality occured) by having read() eval()
print() and loop() subs calling each othjer and being overrideable,
but I have no time to complete the patch now.  All tests still appear
to pass but there are no new one for this featurette, sorry.

> Thanks again!

glad to be helpful :)

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