Question:  Can Rakudo show its steps in applying the Perl6 grammer
           to a Perl6 program similar to "use re 'debug'" in Perl5?

Discussion: I found the 'use v6 ;' bug to be a tantalizing invitation
            to try to understand part of Rakudo's Perl6/
            I was/am delighted by how readable is.
            Yet I was not able (lack of experience) to work out in detail
            what the grammar did as it descended through
            comp_unit -> statementlist -> statement -> statement_control -> use
            and back up to the <?before ';'> and the <.eat_terminator>
            In my ignorance I was surprised by the solution to the bug
            being to add <.ws> at the end of the sym<use> declaration.

            It would be very instructive to me if there was some way that
            Rakudo could show the steps it takes in applying the grammar.

            Is that possible at this time?

Todd Olson

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