# New Ticket Created by  Timothy Totten 
# Please include the string:  [perl #76642]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=76642 >

The attached patch removes the DateTime::strftime module from Rakudo's tree.
The module (now called DateTime::Utils) has moved into it's own project:


I will request it be added to proto/pls, and that it should be considered
for inclusion as a bundled module with Rakudo Star.
>From 93b1c35d04e897f3e7a836e01b279bb22a574db1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Timothy Totten <2...@huri.net>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 14:54:22 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Removed DateTime::strftime, as it's moved to an external repo.

 build/Makefile.in        |   10 +-----
 lib/DateTime/strftime.pm |   84 ----------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 93 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 lib/DateTime/strftime.pm

diff --git a/build/Makefile.in b/build/Makefile.in
index c19af17..7b88140 100644
--- a/build/Makefile.in
+++ b/build/Makefile.in
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ HARNESS_WITH_FUDGE_JOBS = $(HARNESS_WITH_FUDGE) --jobs
 STAGESTATS = @stagestats@
 # the default target, TODO: make libraries in 'lib' a variable.
-all: $(PERL6_EXE) Test.pir lib/DateTime/strftime.pir
+all: $(PERL6_EXE) Test.pir
 # the install target
 install: all
@@ -291,9 +291,6 @@ install: all
 	$(CP)     Test.pir            $(DESTDIR)$(PERL6_LANG_DIR)/lib
 	$(CP)     lib/*.pm            $(DESTDIR)$(PERL6_LANG_DIR)/lib
 	$(CP)     lib/*.pir           $(DESTDIR)$(PERL6_LANG_DIR)/lib
-	$(MKPATH)                     $(DESTDIR)$(PERL6_LANG_DIR)/lib/DateTime
-	$(CP)     lib/DateTime/*.pm   $(DESTDIR)$(PERL6_LANG_DIR)/lib/DateTime
-	$(CP)     lib/DateTime/*.pir  $(DESTDIR)$(PERL6_LANG_DIR)/lib/DateTime
 	$(MKPATH)                     $(DESTDIR)$(PARROT_LIB_DIR)/dynext
 	$(CP)     $(DYNPMC) $(DYNOPS) $(DESTDIR)$(PARROT_LIB_DIR)/dynext
@@ -406,11 +403,6 @@ $(PMC_DIR)/objectref.pmc : $(PMC_DIR)/objectref_pmc.template build/gen_objectref
 Test.pir: Test.pm perl6.pbc
 	$(PARROT) $(PARROT_ARGS) perl6.pbc $(STAGESTATS) --target=pir --output=Test.pir Test.pm
-## loadable libraries. This should be refactored into something generic.
-lib/DateTime/strftime.pir: lib/DateTime/strftime.pm perl6.pbc
-	$(PARROT) $(PARROT_ARGS) perl6.pbc $(STAGESTATS) --target=pir --output=lib/DateTime/strftime.pir lib/DateTime/strftime.pm
 test    : coretest
 fulltest: coretest stresstest
diff --git a/lib/DateTime/strftime.pm b/lib/DateTime/strftime.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 210c1d0..0000000
--- a/lib/DateTime/strftime.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-use v6;
-# A strftime() subroutine.
-module DateTime::strftime {
-    multi sub strftime( Str $format is copy, DateTime $dt ) is export(:DEFAULT) {
-        my %substitutions =
-            # Standard substitutions for yyyy mm dd hh mm ss output.
-            'Y' => { $dt.year.fmt(  '%04d') },
-            'm' => { $dt.month.fmt( '%02d') },
-            'd' => { $dt.day.fmt(   '%02d') },
-            'H' => { $dt.hour.fmt(  '%02d') },
-            'M' => { $dt.minute.fmt('%02d') },
-            'S' => { $dt.whole-second.fmt('%02d') },
-            # Special substitutions (Posix-only subset of DateTime or libc)
-            'a' => { day-name($dt.day-of-week).substr(0,3) },
-            'A' => { day-name($dt.day-of-week) },
-            'b' => { month-name($dt.month).substr(0,3) },
-            'B' => { month-name($dt.month) },
-            'C' => { ($dt.year/100).fmt('%02d') },
-            'e' => { $dt.day.fmt('%2d') },
-            'F' => { $dt.year.fmt('%04d') ~ '-' ~ $dt.month.fmt(
-                     '%02d') ~ '-' ~ $dt.day.fmt('%02d') },
-            'I' => { (($dt.hour+23)%12+1).fmt('%02d') },
-            'k' => { $dt.hour.fmt('%2d') },
-            'l' => { (($dt.hour+23)%12+1).fmt('%2d') },
-            'n' => { "\n" },
-            'N' => { (($dt.second % 1)*1000000000).fmt('%09d') },
-            'p' => { ($dt.hour < 12) ?? 'am' !! 'pm' },
-            'P' => { ($dt.hour < 12) ?? 'AM' !! 'PM' },
-            'r' => { (($dt.hour+23)%12+1).fmt('%02d') ~ ':' ~
-                     $dt.minute.fmt('%02d') ~ ':' ~ $dt.whole-second.fmt('%02d')
-                     ~ (($.hour < 12) ?? 'am' !! 'pm') },
-            'R' => { $dt.hour.fmt('%02d') ~ ':' ~ $dt.minute.fmt('%02d') },
-            's' => { $dt.posix.fmt('%d') },
-            't' => { "\t" },
-            'T' => { $dt.hour.fmt('%02d') ~ ':' ~ $dt.minute.fmt('%02d') ~ ':' ~ $dt.whole-second.fmt('%02d') },
-            'u' => { ~ $dt.day-of-week.fmt('%d') },
-            'w' => { ~ (($dt.day-of-week+6) % 7).fmt('%d') },
-            'x' => { $dt.year.fmt('%04d') ~ '-' ~ $dt.month.fmt('%02d') ~ '-' ~ $dt.day.fmt('%2d') },
-            'X' => { $dt.hour.fmt('%02d') ~ ':' ~ $dt.minute.fmt('%02d') ~ ':' ~ $dt.whole-second.fmt('%02d') },
-            'y' => { ($dt.year % 100).fmt('%02d') },
-            '%' => { '%' },
-            '3' => { (($dt.second % 1)*1000).fmt('%03d') },
-            '6' => { (($dt.second % 1)*1000000).fmt('%06d') },
-            '9' => { (($dt.second % 1)*1000000000).fmt('%09d') },
-            'z' => { $dt.timezone ~~ Callable and die "stftime: Can't use 'z' with Callable time zones.";
-                     my $o = $dt.timezone;
-                     $o
-                       ?? sprintf '%s%02d%02d',
-                              $o < 0 ?? '-' !! '+',
-                              ($o.abs / 60 / 60).floor,
-                              ($o.abs / 60 % 60).floor
-                       !! 'Z' }
-        ;
-        my $result = '';
-        while $format ~~ / ^ (<-['%']>*) '%' (.)(.*) $ / {
-            unless %substitutions.exists(~$1) { die "unknown strftime format: %$1"; }
-            $result ~= $0 ~ %substitutions{~$1}();
-            $format = ~$2;
-            if $1 eq '3'|'6'|'9' {
-                if $format.substr(0,1) ne 'N' { die "strftime format %$1 must be followed by N"; }
-                $format = $format.substr(1);
-            }
-        }
-        # The subst for masak++'s nicer-strftime branch is NYI
-        # $format .= subst( /'%'(\w|'%')/, { (%substitutions{~$0}
-        #            // die "Unknown format letter '\%$0'").() }, :global );
-        return $result ~ $format;
-    }
-    sub day-name($i) {
-        # ISO 8601 says Monday is the first day of the week.
-        <Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
-        Friday Saturday Sunday>[$i - 1]
-    }
-    sub month-name($i) {
-        <January February March April May June July August
-        September October November December>[$i - 1]
-    }

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