On Tue Aug 25 06:15:37 2009, druoso wrote:
> ru...@cajueiro:~/devel/perl6/parrot/rakudo$ ./perl6 
> > my $a = Multi.new; $a.push(sub (1,2,3) { }); $a.push(sub (1,2) { });
> say $a.find_possible_candidates(1,2);
> Attributes of type 'MMD_Cache *' cannot be subclassed from a high-level
> PMC.
> in Main (<unknown>:1)
> Relevant IRC log.
> <jnthn> ruoso: I'm not quite sure why that's exploding, or where it's
> trying to subclass Perl6MultiSub.
> <ruoso> maybe because I'm calling Multi.new()
> <ruoso> ?
> <jnthn> ruoso: Hadn't quite seen that issue coming though... :-S
> <jnthn> ruoso: Yeah
> <jnthn> ruoso: I'm guessing in there.
> <jnthn> I'd need to get a backtrace and see exactly when we get taht
> error.
> <jnthn> I am slightly surprised.
> * jnthn needs to get the code onto github now.
> <ruoso> jnthn, do you want me to rakudobug it?
> <jnthn> ruoso: You can, I'd like to look into what's going on.
> daniel

22:11 < [Coke]> rakudo: my $a = Multi.new; $a.push(sub (1,2,3) { }); 
                $a.push(sub (1,2) { }); say $a.find_possible_candidates(1,2);
22:11 <+p6eval> rakudo 7f5c22: OUTPUT«too few positional arguments: 1 passed, 2 
                (or more) expected␤  in main program body at line 1␤»

Will "Coke" Coleda

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