On Sun Dec 20 09:56:55 2009, masak wrote:
> <masak> rakudo: class A { has $!to; method x { loop { (:$!to); } } }
> <p6eval> rakudo 8dc189: The opcode 'getattribute_p_ic_sc'
> (getattribute<3>) was not found. Check the type and number of the
> arguments [...]
> * masak submits horrible rakudobug
> The name '$!to' is not significant. Removing the 'loop {}' causes the
> problem to go away.


22:50 < [Coke]> rakudo: class A { has $!to; method x { loop { (:$!to); } } }; 
22:50 <+p6eval> rakudo 2808a5: OUTPUT«alive␤»

assigning to moritz for testing?

Will "Coke" Coleda

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