On Wed Oct 14 04:38:25 2009, carlin wrote:
> [00:19]       <carlin>        rakudo: class Foo { method bar { Quux.parse('OH
> HAI'); } }; grammar Quux { rule TOP { .* } }; Foo.bar;
> [00:19]       <p6eval>        -rakudo 54cfe4: OUTPUT«invoke() not implemented 
> in
> class 'Capture'␤in Main (file src/gen_setting.pm, line 206)␤»
> [00:20]       <moritz_>       +that's a less-than-awesome error message, but
> you're not allowed to use Quux until it's declared
> [00:21]       <carlin>        Yeah, I thought that was the problem but the 
> error
> didn't help much
> [00:22]       <moritz_>       +carlin: feel free to ticket it
> [00:23]       <moritz_>       +std: class Foo { method bar { Quux.parse('OH 
> HAI');
> } }; grammar Quux { rule TOP { .* } }; Foo.bar;
> [00:23]       <p6eval>        -std 28789: OUTPUT«Illegally post-declared 
> type:␤
> Quux used at line 1␤ok 00:02 109m␤»
> --
> Carlin

Error message seems much more helpful now, but is still not "STD-compliant".

22:54 < [Coke]> rakudo: class Foo { method bar { Quux.parse('OH HAI'); } }; 
                grammar Quux { rule TOP { .* } }; Foo.bar;
22:55 <+p6eval> rakudo 2808a5: OUTPUT«Could not find sub &Quux␤  in 'Foo::bar' 
                at line 22:/tmp/bZA2BcFVXe␤  in main program body at line 

Will "Coke" Coleda

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