On Fri Jul 30 05:28:27 2010, jk...@verizon.net wrote:
> On July 29 I successfully built Perl 6 from the Rakudo Star  
> distribution on two Linux/i386 boxes.  However, I experienced  
> failures during 'make' on Darwin/PPC, notwithstanding the fact that I  
> have been able to build Perl 6 on top of Parrot on this same machine  
> in the past.  The output of a typical build run is attached.
> In each attempt, when 'make' reached this point:
>    /Users/jimk/work/rstar/rakudo-star-2010.07/install/bin/parrot  src/ 
> gen/perl6.pbc --target=pir  \
>        src/gen/core.pm > src/gen/core.pir
> ... it hung indefinitely -- and by indefinitely I mean that I let it  
> sit for nearly an hour before killing the process.  (I let it go that  
> long because, from my previous experience, I knew that compiling  
> perl6 would take a long time on this iBook G4.)

This file is the single largest compilation that occurs during the 
process, and requires a LOT of memory, and it's likely gotten bigger 
since the last time you ran. So this doesn't entirely surprise me.

How much memory do you have in the box (physical), and do you have a 
ulimit set?

Will "Coke" Coleda

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