# New Ticket Created by  Tom Dignan 
# Please include the string:  [perl #76918]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=76918 >

Hi Rakudo,

I tested this on rakudo star on Windows 7, but will test it on linux
later as well.


Doing this will return the methods as expected:

> @array.^methods;
new splice perl delete at_pos munch shift map hash fmt flat new rotate pop Captu
re elems Str list exists push unshift batch ACCEPTS eager at_pos sort iterator B
ool Num perl of Str Int list item Num elems fmt lines ucfirst samecase log10 tan
 cos capitalize bytes fmt flip p5chop lc to-radians Numeric asinh acotan chr cot
anh acotanh comb floor atan asech acos eval round chop tanh split match exp acos
h words cotan atan2 lcfirst uc sec cis log substr from-radians sprintf trans sin
 pred acosec subst sinh cosech acosech abs chomp index ceiling trim asec trim-le
ading unpolar trim-trailing sech ord rand truncate rindex sqrt asin atanh cosh c
osec succ sign chars roots IO reverse keys uniq isa map classify kv min max flat
 pick first minmax does rotate join Numeric elems end reduce all Str postcircumf
ix:<[ ]> postcircumfix:<{ }> list at_key pairs one ACCEPTS at_pos any sort Seq g
rep none values can bless WHENCE WHERE notdef  BUILDALL new Bool print say item
WALK defined BUILD clone perl WHICH Capture CREATE PARROT

Pipe that through unix sort and you'll see there are no duplicates.

Until we introduce rakudo's .sort() function.

new splice perl delete at_pos munch shift map hash fmt flat new rotate pop Captu
re elems Str list exists push unshift batch ACCEPTS eager at_pos sort iterator B
ool Num perl of Str Int list item Num elems fmt lines ucfirst samecase log10 tan
 cos capitalize bytes fmt flip p5chop lc to-radians Numeric asinh acotan chr cot
anh acotanh comb floor atan asech acos eval round chop tanh split match exp acos
h words cotan atan2 lcfirst uc sec cis log substr from-radians sprintf trans sin
 pred acosec subst sinh cosech acosech abs chomp index ceiling trim asec trim-le
ading unpolar trim-trailing sech ord rand truncate rindex sqrt asin atanh cosh c
osec succ sign chars roots IO reverse keys uniq isa map classify kv min max flat
 pick first minmax does rotate join Numeric elems end reduce all Str postcircumf
ix:<[ ]> postcircumfix:<{ }> list at_key pairs one ACCEPTS at_pos any sort Seq g
rep none values can bless WHENCE WHERE notdef  BUILDALL new Bool print say item
WALK defined BUILD clone perl WHICH Capture CREATE PARROT

One see there are definitely dupes here, easier to see if you do:

for @array.^methods.sort() -> $foo { say $foo; }

Tom (shirtless)

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