On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 3:48 PM, Darren Duncan <dar...@darrenduncan.net>wrote:

> What is the difference between Parrot bignums and gmp?  Could Parrot not
> just use gmp to implement its bignums? --  Darren Duncan

Parrot does use GMP. What we're discussing is how appropriate those are for
Perl 6. My feeling is that the closer Perl 6 can get to using GMP directly,
the better. If we need to wrap Parrot BigInt in a Perl 6 class, that
wouldn't be terrible.

I've been trying to get that to work myself, but I've been struggling with
getting a PIR BigInt into a Perl 6 attribute via Q:PIR. When I do this:

                        .local pmc value, attr
                        .local pmc b
                        value = find_lex "$value"
                        b = new ['BigInt']
                        b = value
                        attr = find_lex "$field"
                        attr = b

Where $field is the variable I want to store, $field.WHAT is Int(). Is that
what I should expect, or has my value been silently converted?

Aaron Sherman
Email or GTalk: a...@ajs.com

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