# New Ticket Created by  "Carl Mäsak" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #78208]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=78208 >

<TimToady> rakudo: say +Method
<p6eval> rakudo 2ee5db: OUTPUT«0␤»
<TimToady> that seems completely bogus to me
<Grimnir_> it prints out the contents of both
<jnthn> ...no warning?
* masak submits +Method rakudobug
<jnthn> rakudo: multi foo() { }; multi foo($x) { }; say +&foo
<p6eval> rakudo 2ee5db: OUTPUT«2␤»
<jnthn> ffs. :-)
* jnthn dies a bit more inside.
<ash_> +&method returns the number of multi's?
<jnthn> ash_: I'm pretty sure it's not meant to in Perl 6. :-)
<ash_> it just does by chance? :p
<masak> not sure we have a ticket for this already.
<masak> I'm creating one Justin Case.
<jnthn> ash_: Way back in the annals of history, somebody decided that
the obvious thing MultiSub should inherit from is...ResizablePMCArray.
<masak> jnthn: that's... deplorable. :'(

To be clear, numification of a Method shouldn't yield anything of the
kind in Rakudo. Most likely, it should warn or die.

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