> In general I like where this is going but need a little hand holding
> here- I'm not an expert on junctions or anything perl6-
>> So I'm going to go on to propose that we create a fifth class of
>> Junction: the "transjunction", with corresponding keyword C<every>.
> It seems that by these definitions "every" isn't quite a junction-

It's an unordered collection of values that can be used like a single
value, is parallelizable, and has an intrinsic associated operation.
That's pretty much a junction. The only difference is that the
associated operation is (in a sense) C<grep>, rather than C<&&>,
C<||>, C<^^>, or C<!>

> You'll need to specify "but not necessarily in the same order" if you
> want junctive autothreading to work on "every" as it does with other
> junctions.

You're quite right. I should have been more specific about that.
And, yes, I certainly do want to leave open the potential for parallel

> In which case it should probably be returning a junction
> and not an ordered list.

If you look at the implementation I appended, any comparison
on a transjunction returns a transjunction. But it turns out to be
much more useful if they also collapse to a list, which is why I
implemented them as a role added to arrays/lists.

> Which reminds me, .eigenvalues strictly speaking is a set and not a
> list.

Sure, but again, it's much more useful as a list. ;-)

> And while I like the cleanliness of the "every" expressions I'm still
> having trouble seeing why "every" should behave differently from
> "any", "all". Maybe "every" isn't a junction?

Maybe not, in the strictest sense. But it has many of the same characteristics
and is extremely useful in many of the same kinds of ways as a duck^Wjunction.

> Maybe junctions in general need to behave a little differently when
> being compared against then they do now, so the need for "every"
> goes away?

Interestingly, that was how they were originally defined (back when they
were called "Quantum::Superpositions"). Comparing a superposition
produced a superposition of just those values for which the comparison
was true.

But I agree with Larry's decision to make junctions behave "normally" wrt
comparisons. They're much easier to understand the way they are now.

I am merely trying to reintroduce the useful extra concept of a
collection of numbers that filters under comparisons. But if people
aren't comfortable, I'm happy to leave it as a module (especially since
it's already written).

I would hate this (very worthwhile) discussion to distract from the key
point of the original post: namely, that the private C<!eigenstates> is
misnamed, and a public C<.eigenvalues> is missing.


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