# New Ticket Created by  "Carl Mäsak" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #81982]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=81982 >

<masak> rakudo: my &r = &return; sub f { &return := -> $v { say
"LOL!"; &r($v) }; return(42) }; say f [23:45]
<p6eval> rakudo e7e9d5:
<diakopter> heh
<masak> everyone agree that's Wrong?
<masak> anyone agree that's Wrong?
<masak> :)
<diakopter> I dunno; I was lolzing at the lolz
<lue> I'm looking. I typically don't write code like that.
<masak> lue: I'm using pblocks because using a sub would mess things up.
<masak> jnthn: what do you think about the infinite LOLs above?
<jnthn> masak: Bit surprised by it.
<masak> jnthn: seems no matter what I do, I hit recursion with &return.
<jnthn> masak: I'm not sure re-binding return is going to end well,
given the optimizer is liable to fumble with it. :)
<masak> jnthn: is that a Rakudo objection or a Perl 6 objection?
<jnthn> masak: Well, given Rakudo doesn't have an optimizer... :P
<jnthn> masak: Anyway, I'd not expect it to go infinite in the case
you wrote above.
<masak> \o/
<jnthn> masak: But binding in Rakudo is a little funky, I think.
* masak submits rakudobug

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