On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 03:45:08PM -0400, Parrot Raiser wrote:
> The following piece of trivial code, (drastically simplified from an
> example I was trying to convert), produces different results (3rd
> line) under Perl 5 and Perl 6. (Saved as t_f_int2)
>     print sqrt (1.5 * 1) ;
> print "\n";
>     print    ((1 / 2.7) ** 1);
> print "\n";
>     print sqrt (1.5 * 1) *
>         ((1 / 2.7) ** 1);
> print "\n";
> $>perl t_f_int2
> 1.22474487139159
> 0.37037037037037
> 0.453609211626514
> $>perl6 t_f_int2
> 1.22474487139159
> 0.37037037037037
> 0.74535599249993
> Have I found a bug or merely revealed my ignorance of a change in
> precedence somewhere?

Quite a few Perl 5 prefix ops are list ops in Rakudo.  We haven't made
up our minds whether this is a bug yet; note that the compilers still


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