On Mon May 10 07:31:39 2010, richardh wrote:
> See IRC May 10
> @.x[1 .. +@x] is not being treated (rakudo dies) in the same way as @y[1 
> .. +@y]
> In particular:
> finanalyst: rakudo: class AB{has @.x; method aa { my @y=1,2,3; .say for 
> @y[1 .. +@y]; .say for @.x; .say for @.x[1 ..^ +@.x] } };my AB $y 
> .=new(:x(1,2,3)); $y.aa;
> p6eval: rakudo 3d3893: OUTPUT«2␤3␤␤1␤2␤3␤No applicable candidates found 
> to dispatch to for 'postcircumfix:<[ ]>'. Available candidates are:␤Mu : 
> Int $i;; *%_)␤Mu : Block $b;; *%_)␤Mu : !whatever_dispatch_helper ;; 
> *%_)␤␤current instr.: '!postcircumfix:<[ ]>' pc 11329 
> (src/builtins/Role.pir:26)␤»

This now says:

20:02 < [Coke]> rakudo: class AB{has @.x; method aa { my @y=1,2,3; .say for 
                @y[1 .. +@y]; .say for @.x; .say for @.x[1 ..^ +@.x] } };my AB 
                $y.=new(:x(1,2,3)); $y.aa;
20:02 <+p6eval> rakudo 38165a: OUTPUT«2␤3␤Any()␤1␤2␤3␤2␤3␤»

Is this correct and closable?

> More detail:
> finanalyst: rakudo: my @x=1,2,3,4; .say for @x[1 ..^ +@x]
> p6eval: rakudo 3d3893: OUTPUT«2␤3␤4␤»
> finanalyst: works
> finanalyst: rakudo: class AB{has @.x; method aa { .say for @.x; .say for 
> @.x[1 ..^ +@.x] } };my AB $y .=new(:x(1,2,3)); $y.aa;
> p6eval: rakudo 3d3893: OUTPUT«1␤2␤3␤No applicable candidates found to 
> dispatch to for 'postcircumfix:<[ ]>'. Available candidates are:␤Mu : 
> Int $i;; *%_)␤Mu : Block $b;; *%_)␤Mu : !whatever_dispatch_helper ;; 
> *%_)␤␤current instr.: '!postcircumfix:<[ ]>' pc 11329 
> (src/builtins/Role.pir:26)␤»
> finanalyst: doesnt work
> masak: that is indeed odd.
> colomon: ah, I believe that's an array-handling bug.
> moritz_: seems like @.x is not the same kind of array as @x
> moritz_: rakudo: class A { has @.x }; say A.new(:x[1, 2, 3]).x.WHAT
> p6eval: rakudo 3d3893: OUTPUT«Array()␤»
> colomon: ran into this same sort of problem passing @x as an argument.
> moritz_: rakudo: class A { has @.x }; say A.new(:x[1, 2, 3]).x.PARROT
> p6eval: rakudo 3d3893: OUTPUT«Array␤»
> finanalyst: rakudo: class AB{has @.x; method aa { my @y=1,2,3; .say for 
> @y; .say for @.x; .say for @.x[1 ..^ +@.x] } };my AB $y 
> .=new(:x(1,2,3)); $y.aa;
> p6eval: rakudo 3d3893: OUTPUT«1␤2␤3␤1␤2␤3␤No applicable candidates found 
> to dispatch to for 'postcircumfix:<[ ]>'. Available candidates are:␤Mu : 
> Int $i;; *%_)␤Mu : Block $b;; *%_)␤Mu : !whatever_dispatch_helper ;; 
> *%_)␤␤current instr.: '!postcircumfix:<[ ]>' pc 11329 
> (src/builtins/Role.pir:26)␤»
> masak: rakudo: class A { has @.x }; say A.new(:x(1, 2, 3)).x.WHAT
> p6eval: rakudo 3d3893: OUTPUT«Array()␤»
> finanalyst: rakudo: class AB{has @.x; method aa { my @y=1,2,3; .say for 
> @y[1 .. +@y]; .say for @.x; .say for @.x[1 ..^ +@.x] } };my AB $y 
> .=new(:x(1,2,3)); $y.aa;
> p6eval: rakudo 3d3893: OUTPUT«2␤3␤␤1␤2␤3␤No applicable candidates found 
> to dispatch to for 'postcircumfix:<[ ]>'. Available candidates are:␤Mu : 
> Int $i;; *%_)␤Mu : Block $b;; *%_)␤Mu : !whatever_dispatch_helper ;; 
> *%_)␤␤current instr.: '!postcircumfix:<[ ]>' pc 11329 
> (src/builtins/Role.pir:26)␤»
> finanalyst: definitely treating @y and @.x differently
> moritz_: rakudo: class AB{has @.x; method aa { my @y=1,2,3; .say for 
> @!x[1..^+@!x] } }; AB.new(:x[1, 2, 3]).aa
> p6eval: rakudo 3d3893: OUTPUT«No applicable candidates found to dispatch 
> to for 'postcircumfix:<[ ]>'. Available candidates are:␤Mu : Int $i;; 
> *%_)␤Mu : Block $b;; *%_)␤Mu : !whatever_dispatch_helper ;; 
> *%_)␤␤current instr.: '!postcircumfix:<[ ]>' pc 11329 
> (src/builtins/Role.pir:26)␤»
> - envi^home has joined the room
> colomon: rakudo: sub foo(@a) { .say for @a[1 ..^ +@a] }; my @a = 1... 4; 
> foo(@a)
> p6eval: rakudo 3d3893: OUTPUT«2␤3␤4␤»
> - 18:25 -
> colomon: hmmm....
> finanalyst: shall i post a rakudobug?
> * colomon still thinks it's related to a rakudobug from a couple of 
> weeks ago...
> colomon: finanalyst: yes.

Will "Coke" Coleda

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