# New Ticket Created by  Reini Urban 
# Please include the string:  [perl #112740]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org:443/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=112740 >

1st: A fresh cygwin install will most likely not work OOTB, it will
fail with fork errors.
You need to do a rebaseall once with no services and processes
running, only from dash

2nd: after the rebase database is initialized, a fresh parrot install
will need to add /bin/cygparrot*.dll
to be added to the rebase db (parrot specific, but for --gen-parrot do
it in rakudo)
    ls /usr/bin/cygparrot-*.dll > dll.lst
    rebaseall -T dll.lst

3rd: after building rakudo, only these steps are needed:
  a) do not copy the parrot dll over (even twice)! add it to the PATH instead.
      you will get more fork errors with such a big dll being
duplicated in memory.
  b) rebase the new perl6 and nqp dll's:
    ls dynext/*.dll nqp/dynext/*.dll > dll.lst
    rebaseall -T dll.lst
  This is only needed for testing. Better is to do no testing with the
temp. install, because it will pollute the rebase db
  with some big dll's. windows 32-bit has only a limited dll space.
  Rather do a make install, and then  do a rebase all with the freshly
installed dlls in the right paths

Reini Urban
http://cpanel.net/   http://www.perl-compiler.org/

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