# New Ticket Created by  "Carl Mäsak" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #115608]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org:443/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=115608 >

<diakopter> r: module foo; macro foo() { }; foo; foo(); # foo works;
foo() doesn't
<p6eval> rakudo 64208d: OUTPUT«invoke() not implemented in class
'foo'␤  in block  at /tmp/JEyQXBbqaU:1␤␤»
<masak> diakopter: both should work.
<diakopter> masak: both should invoke macro foo? or one should invoke
macro foo and the other invoke class foo (like it's doing)?
<masak> diakopter: both should invoke macro foo, IMO.
<masak> r: module foo; sub foo() { say "OH HAI" }; foo; foo()
<p6eval> rakudo 64208d: OUTPUT«invoke() not implemented in class
'foo'␤  in block  at /tmp/n8jWXMP4lX:1␤␤»
<masak> same there; really unrelated to macros, I think.
<diakopter> oh
* masak submits diakopter's rakudobug

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