On Fri Nov 12 07:37:03 2010, Solomon wrote:
> rakudo: say [leg] <a b c>
> p6eval: rakudo d85964: OUTPUT«-1␤»
> ...but...
> "Any infix operator (except for non-associating operators) can be
> surrounded by square brackets in term position to create a list
> operator that reduces using that operation..."  [S03]

<p6eval> rakudo bf472b: OUTPUT«Increase␤»
<FROGGS> is that right? two years ago you got -1
<[Coke]> FROGGS: -1 is to Increase like 1 is to True
<FROGGS> hmmm
<FROGGS> so its still wrong
<[Coke]> it's a builtin enum for comparisons that I think only rakudo 
implements yet.
<FROGGS> I dont understand what I should get instead by reading 
<[Coke]> r: say +Increase
<p6eval> rakudo bf472b: OUTPUT«-1␤»
<[Coke]> that ticket was opened by colomon; have him tell you the 
expected output.
<[Coke]> (or, better, write a test)
<[Coke]> n: say [leg] <a b c>
<p6eval> niecza v22-33-gda13155: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Cannot reduce 
with leg because structural infix operators are diffy and not chaining 
<[Coke]> r: say [leg] <a q e>
<p6eval> rakudo bf472b: OUTPUT«Increase␤»
<masak> oh! maybe leg is non-associating.
<masak> that might be what the ticket is hinting at.
<masak> it certainly doesn't say it outright.
<[Coke]> I think maybe leg isn't supposed to be amenable to meta-ing in 
that fashion, perhaps.
<[Coke]> er, what masak said. :)
<[Coke]> std: say [leg] <a q e>
<p6eval> std d38bbd0: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Cannot reduce with leg 
because structural infix operators are diffy and not chaining [...]
<[Coke]> so, I think std and n have what the ticket is looking for here.
<masak> S03 agrees; infix:<leg> is non-associating.
<masak> [Coke]: *nod*
* masak adds this to the ticket

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