<jnthn> ??? should warn.
<jnthn> ... should fail
<jnthn> The fail leaks out of the try
<jnthn> er, or either way the fail is in sink context
<jnthn> a fail in sink context throws.
<jnthn> ??? is correct in Rakudo
<jnthn> ... is debatable there; I think the current spec says that try 
sinks everything inside of it, in which case it shoulda sunk, failed 
inside the try, and been quiet.
* masak adds jnthn's comments to the ticket
<TimToady> try only sinks the inside if the outside is sunk, otherwise 
it's eager
<jnthn> TimToady: oh...
<jnthn> masak: So seems it's just try ... that is in question in Rakudo, 
not ??? :)
<masak> nod.
<masak> I'll change the bug title too.
<TimToady> S04:1000
<jnthn> *nod*

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