I'm sorry, I was going through the bug queue and found this patch - I tried to 
apply it and it 
unfortunately no longer applies. I'm going to reject this ticket - if this is 
still any issue for with a 
recent version of rakudo, please open a new ticket. 


On Sun Jun 26 10:47:06 2011, ronaldxs wrote:
> Under Linux if you are in the rakudo build directory and type make 
> t/spec/S02-builtin_data_types/anon_block.t  (or make followed by the 
> name of any test file) the test file is run with the right configuration 
> and command line parameters to make "#? skip" and "#? todo" directives 
> etc behave properly.  This currently does not seem to work on Windows.  
> It doesn't work for me and after a discussion on IRC with JimmyZ, see 
> http://irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2011-06-26#i_4005711, it became clear it 
> didn't work for him on Windows either.
> I have attached a patch that fixes the problem to the point of having 
> such a command line request usable under windows.  The solution is 
> somewhat lacking in that it doesn't allow the test file names provided 
> to make to have the '\' back slash separators that are native to Windows 
> but includes a comment in the make file to "document around" the issue.  
> I hope and believe that the patch makes the situation better than it is 
> now.  The patch takes out the translation of \* to \\* that, I believe, 
> was intended to work around this at one point but after testing with 
> gmake and strawberry Perl as well as mingw32-make and ActiveState Perl 
> believe that the build and install  work properly without that 
> translation and with this patch.
> Hope this helps,
> Ron Schmidt

Will "Coke" Coleda

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