On Sun Apr 21 22:08:04 2013, coke wrote:
> On Wed Jul 04 11:34:38 2012, masak wrote:
> > <pmichaud> r:  say (3+4i).reals.fmt("%d %d")   # for flussence++
> > <p6eval> rakudo 61a3ad: OUTPUT�Null PMC access in get_integer() [...]
> > <pmichaud> hmmm.
> > * pmichaud nudges masak++
> > <flussence> ooh, I haven't seen a NPMCA in a while.
> > * masak submits pmichaud++'s NPMCA rakudobug
> More simply:
> > (3,4).fmt("%d %d");
> Null PMC access in get_integer()

Lists's .fmt is using the full format on each value in the list, so you get the 
same effect with:

> 3.fmt("%d %d");
Null PMC access in get_integer()

Will "Coke" Coleda

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