# New Ticket Created by  Rob Hoelz 
# Please include the string:  [perl #118985]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org:443/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=118985 >

Using a lexical regex in a method fails with a strange error:

Nominal type check failed for parameter ''; expected HasMethod but got
Cursor instead
  in regex anything at test.p6:34
  in method INTERPOLATE at src/gen/CORE.setting:10730
  in regex  at test.p6:36
  in method ACCEPTS at src/gen/CORE.setting:10894
  in method ACCEPTS at src/gen/CORE.setting:703
  in method parse at test.p6:36
  in block  at test.p6:45

The attached file includes examples.
use v6;

sub parse(Str $input) {
    my regex anything { . }

    if $input ~~ /<anything>/ {

class HasSub {
    sub parse(Str $input) {
        my regex anything { . }

        if $input ~~ /<anything>/ {

    method call-parse-sub(Str $input) {

class HasSubMethod {
    submethod parse(Str $input) {
        my regex anything { . }

        if $input ~~ /<anything>/ {

class HasMethod {
    method parse(Str $input) {
        my regex anything { . }

        if $input ~~ /<anything>/ {

my @forms = (
    { parse('foo'); },                # no problems
    { HasSub.call-parse-sub('foo') }, # fails
    { HasSubMethod.parse('foo') },    # fails
    { HasMethod.parse('foo') },       # fails

for @forms -> $form {
    try {
        CATCH { default { .say } }

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