On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 11:48:02AM -0700, Carl Mäsak via RT wrote:
> These days, it fails.
> <masak> rn: my @a = [1], [2], [3]; say (map { @a[1 - $_][0] }, 0 .. 
> 3).perl
> <camelia> niecza v24-95-ga6d4c5f: OUTPUT«(2, 1, Any, Any).list␤»
> <camelia> ..rakudo 69c3cc: OUTPUT«(2, 1, Failure.new(exception => 
> X::AdHoc.new(payload => "Cannot use negative index -1 on Array")), 
> Failure.new(exception => X::AdHoc.new(payload => "Cannot use negative 
> index -2 on Array"))).list␤»
> * masak amends RT #98954
> Which is arguably more correct than silently truncating the result list. 
> (But still different from both Beijing and Niecza.)

S09:683 says that "Negative subscripts are never allowed for standard
subscripts unless the subscript is declared modular."

I know S09 is slushy, but afair once the whatever star notation was
introduced it's always been the intent that negative indices would
fail unless explicitly declared to be valid somehow.


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