On Sun Apr 21 22:27:34 2013, coke wrote:
> On Tue Jan 10 16:58:10 2012, coke wrote:
> > On Thu Jul 22 00:45:24 2010, cx...@pobox.com wrote:
> > > The following code, executed repeatedly, will produce different
> > >    results,
> > > seemingly based on the ordering of the junction:
> > > 
> > > $ perl6 -e 'class Foo { has $.bar; has $.baz; has $.biff };
> > >    Foo.^methods.join(", ").say; say ("biff" eq any(Foo.^methods) ??
> > >    "yay" !! "nay")'
> > > baz, bar, biff, uniq, isa, map, classify, kv, min, max, pick, flat,
> > >    first, minmax, does, rotate, join, Numeric, elems, end, reduce,
> > >    all, Str, postcircumfix:<[ ]>, postcircumfix:<{ }>, list, at_key,
> > >    pairs, one, ACCEPTS, at_pos, any, sort, Seq, grep, values, none,
> > >    can, reverse, keys, notdef, , BUILDALL, new, Bool, say, print,
> > >    item, WALK, defined, BUILD, clone, perl, WHICH, Capture, CREATE,
> > >    PARROT, bless, WHENCE, WHERE
> > > nay
> > > 
> > > $ perl6 -e 'class Foo { has $.bar; has $.baz; has $.biff };
> > >    Foo.^methods.join(", ").say; say ("biff" eq any(Foo.^methods) ??
> > >    "yay" !! "nay")'
> > > biff, baz, bar, ACCEPTS, at_pos, any, sort, Seq, grep, none, values,
> > >    can, reverse, keys, uniq, isa, map, classify, kv, min, max, pick,
> > >    flat, first, minmax, does, rotate, join, Numeric, elems, end,
> > >    reduce, Str, all, list, postcircumfix:<{ }>, postcircumfix:<[ ]>,
> > >    at_key, pairs, one, BUILDALL, new, Bool, say, print, item, WALK,
> > >    defined, BUILD, clone, perl, WHICH, Capture, CREATE, PARROT, bless,
> > >    WHENCE, WHERE, notdef,
> > > yay
> > 
> > This is now pretty consistent:
> > 
> > 19:55 < [Coke]> rakudo: class Foo { has $.bar; has $.baz; has $.biff }; 
> >                 Foo.^methods.join(", ").say;
> > 19:56 <+p6eval> rakudo 38165a: OUTPUT«bar, baz, biff␤»
> > 
> > Is this closable?
> > 
> Marking testneeded.

Tests added to S12-introspection/methods.t
Will "Coke" Coleda

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