# New Ticket Created by  "Carl Mäsak" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #121432]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=121432 >

<colomon> r: say 1.38223e-10
<camelia> rakudo-jvm 5b109d: OUTPUT«1.3822300000000001E-10␤»
<camelia> ..rakudo-moar 5b109d: OUTPUT«1.38223e-1␤»
<camelia> ..rakudo-parrot 5b109d: OUTPUT«1.38223e-10␤»
<colomon> yow
<colomon> biggish moar-bug there.
* masak submits moarbug
<colomon> masak++
<masak> r: say 1.38223e-10 > 0.1
<camelia> rakudo-parrot 5b109d, rakudo-jvm 5b109d, rakudo-moar 5b109d:
<masak> oh, interesting.
<masak> so it has the right number internally...
<masak> ...but prints it wrong.
<colomon> masak: oh, yes
<colomon> sorry I wasn't clear about that
<masak> just checking :)
<colomon> I suspect something is deleting trailing zeros when it shouldn't
<colomon> r: say 1.38223e-20
<camelia> rakudo-moar 5b109d: OUTPUT«1.38223e-2␤»
<camelia> ..rakudo-parrot 5b109d: OUTPUT«1.38223e-20␤»
<camelia> ..rakudo-jvm 5b109d: OUTPUT«1.38223E-20␤»
<colomon> yeah

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