Heh; just in case someone takes a close look at that error message and is 
terribly confused... here's the correctly pasted one:

<masak> m: multi infix:«≃» { $^l lt $^r }; multi infix:«!≃» { not($^l ≃ $^r) }; 
say "foo" !≃ "bar"
<camelia> rakudo-moar d8c834: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling 
/tmp/weCLGmom3M␤Cannot negate ≃ because it is not iffy enough␤at 
/tmp/weCLGmom3M:1␤------> ix:«!≃» { not($^l ≃ $^r) }; say "foo" !≃⏏ "bar"␤»

That's better. Nothing to see here, move along.

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