The problem is that perl6-m is a generated file.

So if you copy perl6-m to perl6, and then generate a new perl6-m
runner, your version of perl6 is not the up to date version.

The runner isn't something that changes on a regular basis, but the
dependency still need to be there.

On Fri, Jan 2, 2015 at 5:00 AM, Christian Bartolomaeus via RT
<> wrote:
> On Thu Oct 02 14:03:42 2014, wrote:
>> On Fri Aug 29 06:29:33 2014, coke wrote:
>> > $ touch src/core/
>> > $ make -j3
>> > /Users/williamcoleda/perl6/bin/nqp-m tools/build/gen-cat.nqp moar -f
>> > tools/build/moar_core_sources > src/gen/m-CORE.setting
>> > /opt/local/bin/perl5.16 -MExtUtils::Command -e rm_f perl6
>> > /opt/local/bin/perl5.16 -MExtUtils::Command -e cp perl6-m perl6
>> > /opt/local/bin/perl5.16 -MExtUtils::Command -e chmod 755 perl6
>> > The following step can take a long time, please be patient.
>> > /Users/williamcoleda/perl6/bin/moar
>> > --libpath="/Users/williamcoleda/perl6/languages/nqp/lib" perl6.moarvm
>> > --setting=NULL --ll-exception --optimize=3 --target=mbc --stagestats
>> > --output=CORE.setting.moarvm src/gen/m-CORE.setting
>> > Stage start      :   0.000
>> > Stage parse      :  29.488
>> > Stage syntaxcheck:   0.000
>> > Stage ast        :   0.000
>> > Stage optimize   :   2.504
>> > Stage mast       :   9.085
>> > Stage mbc        :   0.178
>> > /Users/williamcoleda/perl6/bin/moar
>> > --libpath="/Users/williamcoleda/perl6/languages/nqp/lib" perl6.moarvm
>> > --target=mbc --output=RESTRICTED.setting.moarvm
>> > src/RESTRICTED.setting
>> > ./perl6-m --target=mbc --output=lib/ lib/
>> > ./perl6-m --target=mbc --output=lib/lib.pm6.moarvm lib/lib.pm6
>> > ./perl6-m --target=mbc --output=lib/Pod/To/
>> > lib/Pod/To/
>> >
>> >
>> > Note that with a || build, the task for creating ./perl6 is run
>> > immediately, even though the sources are out of date.
>> >
>> I don't immediately see the problem. The perl6 executable does not
>> have CORE.setting bundled into it; the setting is "just" a library
>> that it loads. Therefore, there's no reason it can't be produced in
>> parallel with, or before, CORE.setting, so long as we don't try to run
>> it until after the setting is also built. And so far as I can see, all
>> the ./perl6-m come after that.
>> Or am I tired and missing the point? :-)
>> /jnthn
> I also think, this is fine as it is. Since the (very short) shell script 
> "perl6-m" is unchanged, there is no problem in copying it to "perl6". As 
> jnthn pointed out, the actual execution of ./perl6-m happens only after 
> building the settings.
> I'm closing this ticket now. Please reopen if I overlooked something.

Will "Coke" Coleda

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