On Tue Sep 03 17:37:18 2013, timk wrote:
> > <TimK1> rn: sub infix:<add> (@a, $n) is equiv(&infix:<X>) { @a <<+>> 
> > $n }; say 1 .. 3 add 5;
> > <camelia> niecza v24-92-g3961d5d: OUTPUT«6 7 8␤»
> > <camelia> ..rakudo 484f08: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error 
> > while compiling /tmp/J6R82sHIP7␤Routine given to equiv does not appear 
> > to be an operator␤at /tmp/J6R82sHIP7:1␤------> ␤»
> > <TimK1> rn: sub infix:<add> (@a, $n) is equiv(&infix:<+>) { @a <<+>> 
> > $n }; say (1 .. 3) add 5; # definitely not what I wanted
> > <camelia> rakudo 484f08, niecza v24-92-g3961d5d: OUTPUT«6 7 8␤»


currently both commands give the same result:

$ perl6 -e 'sub infix:<add> (@a, $n) is equiv(&infix:<X>) { @a <<+>> $n }; say 
1 .. 3 add 5;'
6 7 8

$ perl6-m -e 'sub infix:<add> (@a, $n) is equiv(&infix:<X>) { @a <<+>> $n }; 
say (1 .. 3) add 5;'
6 7 8

What result did you expect? (esp. I don't understand your comment '# definitely 
not what I wanted' after the second command.)


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