<jnthn> m: (1..*).Capture.perl.say
<camelia> rakudo-moar 6a3fc3: OUTPUT«Capture.new(hash => {"excludes-max" => 
Bool::False, "excludes-min" => Bool::False, "min" => 1, "max" => Inf})␤»
<jnthn> ah
<jnthn> m: (my @a = 1..*).Capture.perl.say
<camelia> rakudo-moar 6a3fc3: OUTPUT«Capture.new()␤»
<jnthn> That's a golf.
* masak adds that to the ticket
<jnthn> I think the conservative thing to do is to refuse to coerce an infinite 
thing to a Capture.
<jnthn> That lets us revisit/liberalize in the future

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