# New Ticket Created by  Moritz Lenz 
# Please include the string:  [perl #123667]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=123667 >

My second attempt to parallelize htmlify.p6 in https://github.com/perl6/docs
lead to this error with interesting backtrace:

Unhandled exception in code scheduled on thread 140045646284544
Type check failed in binding exception; expected 'Any' but got 'Mu'
   in method break at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:21155
   in block  at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:21275
   in block  at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:21059
   in any  at 
   in method <anon> at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:14143
   in any find_method_fallback at src/gen/m-Metamodel.nqp:2730
   in any find_method at src/gen/m-Metamodel.nqp:988
   in sub write-routine-file at htmlify.p6:678
   in block  at htmlify.p6:149
   in block  at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:21274
   in block  at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:21059
   in block  at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:20960
   in block  at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:20957

This happens on commit 19d6b9ba35bcb2899671e75cc6837a1c6e0a6d67 of 

I don't think this should happen; I'm not even aware of anything in the 
code (or the dependency, Pod::To::HTML) using method fallbacks.

This is perl6 version 2015.01-5-g912a7fa built on MoarVM version 

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