This error message (seen with Virgin UK) was fixed yesterday so I
assume if Paul was seeing this today he was using an old version --
maybe the one in Star.

The behaviour I saw was a zero length projects.json.

On 8 February 2015 at 14:04, Moritz Lenz via RT
<> wrote:
> On Sun Feb 08 04:58:14 2015, pmqs wrote:
>> My ISP is currently blocking access to http://ecosystem-
>> & returning a HTML document instead, with at
>> 200 OK.
>> This makes panda blow up.
> FWIW panda bugs are better reported at
>> $ panda
>> No such method 'ast' for invocant of type 'Any'
>>   in sub from-json at
>> /home/paul/perl/perl6/rakudo/languages/perl6/lib/JSON/
>>   in submethod BUILD at
>> /home/paul/perl/perl6/rakudo/languages/perl6/lib/Panda/
>>   in method BUILDALL at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:979
>>   in method bless at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:961
>>   in method new at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:947
>>   in sub make-default-ecosystem at
>> /home/paul/perl/perl6/rakudo/languages/perl6/lib/Panda/
>>   in block <unit> at /home/paul/perl/perl6/rakudo/bin/panda:11
>> Can panda be made more user-friendly when this happns?
> The new error message is:
> Cannot parse 
> /home/moritz/p6/rakudo/install/languages/perl6/site/panda/projects.json as 
> JSON: Unable to parse expression in array; couldn't find final ']'
> (this is an example where I added garbage in front of the closing ']')
> Cheers,
> Moritz

4096R/EA75174B Steve Mynott <>

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