# New Ticket Created by  "Carl Mäsak" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #124191]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=124191 >

<[Tux]> Something recent broke Text::CSV :(
<jnthn> [Tux]: How does it fail?
* [Tux] is investigating
<[Tux]> if I isolate the test, the test passes
<[Tux]> If anyone feels like digging:
https://github.com/Tux/CSV/blob/master/t/55_combi.t#L46 <= is the line
that fails
<[Tux]> https://gist.github.com/Tux/7d23f5478dc962699f8f <= REPRODUCED!
<[Tux]> please fix :)
<[Tux]> memory leak or something?
<[Tux]> jnthn, ^^
<jnthn> Doubt it's a leak, could be corruption
<jnthn> Either way, a good find
<[Tux]> tests++
<jnthn> I'm working on $other-hard-problem at the moment
<jnthn> But will put it on my todo list :)
<masak> surely that can be golf'd a bit?
* masak tries
<masak> reproduced locally.
<masak> and at exactly the same point in the loop.
<masak> seems very stable that way.
<masak> [Tux]: I managed to golf it quite a bit.
<masak> m: class C is Exception { method message { "OH NOES" } }; for
^208 { { die C.new; CATCH { default {} } }; print "." }
<camelia> rakudo-moar fb991b:
NOES␤ in block [...]
<masak> m: my $dots = 0; class C is Exception { method message { "That
is $dots dots" } }; for ^208 { { die C.new; CATCH { default {} } };
$dots++ }
<camelia> rakudo-moar fb991b: OUTPUT«That is 207 dots␤  in block [...]
<masak> so it *works* for 207 iterations, and then -- GC triggers?
JIT? optimizer? -- it fails on the 208th.
* masak submits rakudobug
<arnsholt> Weird!
<masak> Tux says something recent caused the above failure. I'd really
appreciate it if someone wanted bisect (maybe a month back or so).
<[Tux]> last PASS was yesterday or wednesday
<[Tux]> I rebuild rakudo daily
<jnthn> There was a Moar version bump yesterday, for the first time
since the 2015.03 release.
<jnthn> -2015.03
<jnthn> +2015.03-16-ga752064
<masak> oh, that's a prime candidate, then.
<jnthn> Curiously, the only spesh patches I see in the list change the
thresholds for when dynamic opt kicks in.
<jnthn> Meaning the problem in theory woulda been noticable *sooner* before...

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