<masak> I should probably start by looking at the RT queue
<masak> notably #124321
<jnthn> Calling .^make_pun is surely wrong
<jnthn> It'll create one every time
<jnthn> .^inheritalize gets the pun
<jnthn> Though maybe we should have a .^pun that does similar, and make 
inheritalize delegate to it.
<masak> ok, so that was easy. the problem is in... NativeCall, then?
<FROGGS> yes
* masak adds this to the ticket
* masak tries to reproduce the original problem, and also to make it go away 
with .^inheritalize
<masak> ...yep, and yep.
<masak> -         typed.^make_pun;
<masak> +         typed.^inheritalize;
<masak> fixes it.
<vendethiel> .oO( he's taking away our puns! )
<masak> vendethiel: but note in the backlog that there's the possibility of 
adding a .^pun meta-method

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