On Mon May 26 12:30:44 2014, david.warring wrote:
> Hi There,
>  The following example is presented in
> http://perl6advent.wordpress.com/2010/12/22/day-22-the-meta-object-
> protocol/
> sub log-calls($obj, Role $r) {
>      my $wrapper = RoleHOW.new;
>      for $r.^methods -> $m {
>          $wrapper.^add_method($m.name, method (|$c) {
>              # print logging information
>              # note() writes to standard error
>              note ">> $m";
>              # call the next method of the same name,
>              # with the same arguments
>              nextsame;
>          });
>      }
>      $wrapper.^compose();
>      # the 'does' operator works just like 'but', but
>      # only modifies a copy of the object
>      $obj does $wrapper;
>  }
> This is pre-NOM and clearly dated. Role and RoleHOW just don't exist
> for starters.
> There just isn't a good example, or documentation anywhere that I can
> find, showing how to do this in 2014.
> I'd suggest maybe revisiting this topic in the 2014 advent posts.

Added this request for docs to the WANTED list under perl6/doc on github.

Closing ticket.
Will "Coke" Coleda

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