On Sat Jan 24 14:17:53 2015, barto...@gmx.de wrote:
> The segfaults are mostly gone. Only on parrot there is a Null PMC
> Access, but only for two of the four examples. With said two examples
> there is an (non segfaulting) error on Moar and JVM as well:
> $ perl6 -e 'role S[::N] { N::x }'   ## no error on Moar, Parrot and
> $ perl6 -e 'sub foo(::N) { N::x }'  ## no error on Moar, Parrot and
> $ perl6-m -e 'my (::N); N::x'
> Cannot call method 'at_key' on a null object
>   in block <unit> at -e:1
> $ perl6-j -e 'my (::N); N::x'
> Can not call method 'at_key' on a null object
>   in block <unit> at -e:1
> $ perl6-p -e 'my (::N); N::x'
> Null PMC access in find_method('at_key')
>   in block <unit> at -e:1
> $ cat 122716.pl6
> role Zero {
>  constant count = 0;
> }
> role Suc[::N] {
>  constant count = 1 + N::count;
> }
> subset _0 of Zero;
> subset _1 of Suc[Zero];
> subset _2 of Suc[_1];
> say Suc[Suc[Suc[Zero]]]::count;
> $ perl6-m 122716.pl6
> ===SORRY!===
> Cannot call method 'at_key' on a null object
> $ perl6-j 122716.pl6
> ===SORRY!===
> Can not call method 'at_key' on a null object
> $ perl6-p 122716.pl6
> ===SORRY!===
> Null PMC access in find_method('at_key')

With the segfaults gone, this bug report is closable. (For extra points, try to 
make sure that the failure mode is correct, but that's not mandatory to close 
the ticket.)

Will "Coke" Coleda

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