Timo tnx for the reply,

as I was looking for something like mojolicious non-blocking server I've taken 
a look at https://github.com/tony-o/perl6-http-server-async/ and now I 
understand what async being "crashy" means. I guess I'll have to wait until 
production version comes out.


14.08.2015, 19:09, "Timo Paulssen" <t...@wakelift.de>:
> On 08/14/2015 12:04 PM, Matija Papec wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>  I'm looking for single threaded coroutines in perl6. Will hyper/race make 
>> them possible?
>>  Will 2015 production Rakudo include async IO?
>>  Right now I'm considering golang for scalable websocket service, but also 
>> wonder if perl6 would
>>  (and how) make such thing possible.
>>  ps. I would very much appreciate existing articles on this topic. TIA
> Hi Matija,
> hyper and race are explicitly for spreading computation across threads.
> Perhaps you confused that with gather/take, which is a pretty good first
> approximation for coroutines.
> Rakudo already includes async IO on both the jvm and moarvm backends,
> but there's more functions and classes we're still looking to build in
> the future.
> Maybe these slides'll be interesting to you for async stuff, but it
> doesn't have much async I/O in them:
> http://jnthn.net/papers/2014-yapceu-async.pdf
> if you have any more questions, feel free to also visit us on the IRC:
> #perl6 on freenode
> MfG
>   - Timo

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