On Fri Dec 13 22:45:16 2013, softmoth wrote:
> [23:41:02] $ perl6 --version
> This is perl6 version 2013.11-35-g0bf3de5 built on JVM
> [23:41:07] $ cat t.pl6
> print q :heredoc :c "EOF";
>     2+3={2+3}
>     EOF
> [23:41:11] $ perl6 t.pl6
> 2+3={2+3}
> Adverbs before the :heredoc (or :to) take effect. Adverbs after :to
> are lost. I expect the order of adverbs to not be important.

There actually weren't lost, but were rather uselessly applied to the language 
used to parse there heredoc terminator. Now they apply to the heredoc language, 
as expected, so the example in this ticket now outputs:


Test for this, plus also :w after :heredoc, in S02-literals/quoting.t.


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