Hi Mike,

Thanks for getting in touch, and for your observations. I have not seen it “in 
person” yet, but I know what to look out for now. Can I ask, would the wings be 
the first part of the insect to deteriorate?



From: pestlist@googlegroups.com <pestlist@googlegroups.com> On Behalf Of 
Michael Monzon
Sent: 25 June 2021 16:39
To: pestlist@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [PestList] Historic bug?

EXTERNAL: This email originates from outside of The National Archives.
Hi Amy,

My subspecialty of forensic entomology is archaeological entomology, so this 
find is SO interesting to me! While it is hard to say definitively from this 
photo, it is my initial impression that this is an incidental that entered the 
volume more recently. How intact the wing margins are and the intactness of the 
spines on the leg are things that jump out at me as being indicative of being 
more recent than historical. While the protection of the book would have 
preserved many features, it does strike me how intact the wing margins are. It 
is possible that it is from the 1700s, there are a few remarkably preserved 
ancient specimens found through archaeological work that are much older so it 
is within the realm of possibilities. There is also a "quality and character" 
to ancient or historical insect specimens that is hard to evaluate through 
photos. There is likely a publishable find you have there! I'm very interested 
to see what everyone else thinks.



On Fri, Jun 25, 2021 at 11:10 AM 'Sampson, Amy' via MuseumPests 
<pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>> wrote:
Hello Again Everyone,

Thanks to Stephan Biebl and Forrest St. Aubin for your IDs.

I am interested to find out whether anyone has experience of finding what may 
be historic specimens within collection material. Has anyone come across 
anything like this before? The volume that it was discovered in dates from 
1743, so I am unsure as to whether this is likely to be contemporary to object, 
or whether it is more likely a recent guest. If anyone has any thoughts on 
this, I would be very interested to hear them.

Many Thanks,


[The National Archives logo]
Amy Sampson | Associate Preventive Conservator
T: 020 3908 2435 | W: 
Twitter: @UkNatArchives
The National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU

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best regards,

Michael Monzon
Unit Administrator/Specialist, On-Farm Food Safety Team
Department of Entomology
Forensic Entomology Laboratory
31½ Pine St.
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
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