I understand your frustration because I felt it a few months ago.

Now, you should bet on Athens, that the less risky way and it is part of Pharo itself, and it is backed by a C library. For DrGeo, I found bitmap rendering to be much faster after Athens use. Whenever you meet issue, Igor will be helpful and this will help improving Athens.

Now, I have to admit I don't understand why Igor was distracted with other task before finishing and polishing the Athens support on the image.
- War in Ukraina.
- And igor is working on TxText: writing a texteditor is something that takes time.
We need it because we want to display text with athens.
- worked on OSWindow

We will push it in the image as soon as we release the new integration tool that will manage configurations (like that we
can update Zinc, TxText, OSWindow, Athens,.... using configuration)
It brings to destabilizing state for newcomer or even expert willing to invest on Athens use. I got lost many time and I was close to throw all the code through the window as well.


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