Hi Ben,

On 8 January 2018 at 17:34, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
> [ snip ]
> A couple of things would make it even smoother.
> a. An option to save details of my personal fork to auto-fill the Create
> Repository dialog fields in a fresh image anywhere on my system.
> b. An menu item or button to auto-fill the pharo-project remote.

This is the script I used last time to reduce the number of manual
steps.  I haven't had a chance to validate it properly, but hopefully
it will help.  Run this in a clean image...

| username pharoRepository |

Author fullName: '<YourName>'.

username := '<YourGitUsername>'.

pharoRepository := (IceRepositoryCreator new
    remote: (IceRemote url: 'g...@github.com:', username, '/pharo.git');
    subdirectory: 'src';
pharoRepository addRemote: (IceRemote
    name: 'pharo-project'
    url: 'g...@github.com:pharo-project/pharo.git').
(IcePharoCreateBranchFromIssue on: pharoRepository) execute.

'Loaded pharo-core' inspect.

> Now hopefully someone familiar with FastTable can review my PR
> and discuss options to implement the next step for horizontal scrolling.
> cheers -ben

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