Is there any progress on this? Can you tell the S3 url you are using? 

Do you need help to put it on github?


> Am 12.11.2018 um 22:41 schrieb Hans-Martin Mosner <>:
> I put it on ss3 because I'm not yet familiar with the way Pharo uses github. 
> Will look into it later.
> I'm unsure how git repositories are used in the Pharo context. Do you use 
> them just like you use git normally (i.e. I
> use my git repository, you use yours and send me pull requests etc...). Are 
> there any catalog systems that allow one to
> register and find projects? This whole issue has always been a bit confusing 
> in the Squeak/Pharo world due to the number
> of different options.
> Cheers,
> Hans-Martin
> Am 11. November 2018 10:50:40 nachm. schrieb Sven Van Caekenberghe 
> <>:
>> Hi Hans-Martin,
>> This is great. I use Tabular too and was missing active 
>> development/maintenance. It would be very good to see this
>> project move forward. It is quite important/useful in enterprise contexts.
>> Thx,
>> Sven
>> PS: where did you commit the changes ? any chance of moving it to GitHub 
>> (too) ?
>>> On 11 Nov 2018, at 22:16, Hans-Martin <> wrote:
>>> Hello folks,
>>> I have a need for creating excel files with more than 3 worksheets, so I
>>> took the Tabular code and beefed up the exporter a little. It does handle
>>> more worksheets now, uses XMLWriter to create all the ZIP members, and is
>>> properly named now (the class was called TabularXSLXExport, note swapped S
>>> and L).
>>> Some tests have been added, there are a number of items that I plan to to as
>>> time allows:
>>> - Add (possibly limited) support for styles and formulas which I
>>> specifically need for the project I'm working on so I could write files with
>>> the desired layout and functionality.
>>> - Add support for reading more aspects of XLSX files, preferrably as much as
>>> needed to be able to read and write most files without loss.
>>> - Add rendering, maybe at the basic morphic level, maybe using something
>>> else as I'm not really up-to-date regarding the developments in Pharo.
>>> - Add formula evaluation.
>>> - Add editing capabilites to have a fully functional spreadsheet (really far
>>> off).
>>> Cheers,
>>> Hans-Martin
>>> --
>>> Sent from:

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